Spider Veins, Aneurysm Treatment, Dunakeszi
All the benefits of your new laser therapy technology around the world take advantage of your treatment. a few mm below the skin surface using a laser head vasculature emits to laser beams, which focus on the blood vessels, which causes them to shrink and disappear.
Chemical Peels, Dunakeszi
The chemical rejuvenating treatments normally used for acidic products that are able to dissolve the dead skin stratum corneum. The acid peels removed the dead skin stratum corneum, the cells endure more efficient work: significantly greater numbers produced in young skin cells, healthy skin layer becomes thicker, blood circulation increases, so that the skin becomes healthier, more flexible, more even felszínűvé, brighter.
Remove Skin Growth, Dunakeszi
Our bodies in many, mostly harmless bőrnövedék appears progresses with age, but are aesthetically very disturbing. Several methods exist for the rapid and efficient removal. The first step is always the precise dermatological diagnosis, and then select the most appropriate method of removal.
Dermatological Examination, Consultation, Dunakeszi
Medical consultation, show trials, and the history dump crosstalk tests required for dermatological diseases.
Mole Removal, Dunakeszi
The surgery is done on medical advice and also for aesthetic reasons. The removal of the mole in each case carried out by plastic surgeons or dermatologists, birthmark removed and subjected to histological examination.
PRP, Dracula Therapy, Dunakeszi
The palette of rejuvenating treatments based process revolutionary, cutting-edge, known as biostimulation principle of Dracula therapy, PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) or My Cells treatment. injection of his own, i.e. autologous plasma obtained in their blood, and in some alkotóelemeiből into the skin.
Tattoo Disappearance, Dunakeszi
Elimination of laser tattoo. The pigment-containing cells heat up and explode. They blew up the pieces of pigment in the lymph example, they will leave by sweating and digestive activity of macrophages. The pigment is becoming increasingly clear in the end and gradually disappear.
Removing Atheroma, Dunakeszi
The atheroma, also known as atheroma or a benign sebaceous gland, located just below the skin, firm, encapsulated lesions. kivezetőcsövének sebaceous glands cause of the blockage. As a result of atheroma can reach cseresznyényi, nut sizes.